Udo Braeu

Senior Consultant and Partner at ESBC
Business and exe­cu­tive coach, tea­ching coach at ESBA
Organisational and cor­po­rate cul­ture developer

Focus: People and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in the field of ten­sion bet­ween cul­ture and technology


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Since 2013 working as an inde­pen­dent senior con­sul­tant and exe­cu­tive coach in the field of per­so­na­lity, orga­ni­sa­tio­nal and cor­po­rate cul­ture deve­lo­p­ment with a focus on tech­no­logy trans­for­ma­tion projects.
  • Systemic Coaching (ISO 17024) — Professional Training at the E.S.B.A.
  • Centre for English Studies & Internship, San Francisco, California
  • Further trai­ning in media­tion, core com­pe­tence change, men­tal coa­ching, manage­ment dia­gno­stics & com­pe­tence analyses

Professional back­ground

  • After stu­dy­ing com­pu­ter sci­ence at the Technical University of Vienna, pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence as an orga­ni­sa­tio­nal ana­lyst at ERSTE Bank and CSC, then pro­ject mana­ger, divi­sion mana­ger, mana­ging direc­tor and many years as a board mem­ber at Meierhofer AG Munich (health­care IT).
  • In the course of his work as a senior con­sul­tant, seve­ral for­mats of the nar­ra­tive approach were tes­ted and fur­ther deve­lo­ped in the con­text of pro­jects, work­shops, cri­sis and media­tion meetings.
  • This resul­ted in a book publi­ca­tion: “Waymarks in Possibility Land: How the nar­ra­tive approach makes peo­ple and com­pa­nies more agile.”
  • Teaching coach at the E.S.B.A — European Systemic Business Academy
  • Lectures and trai­nings in the field of self-management

Focal points around lea­der­ship deve­lo­p­ment and orga­niza­tio­nal design

Organisational deve­lo­p­ment
Competence deve­lo­p­ment
Teambuilding & Teamcoaching

Management dia­gno­stics, com­pe­tence analyses

INSIGHTS – Talents Leadership Check


Udo lives with his family in the foot­hills of the Alps in Lower Austria and in Vienna — he loves to roam the area con­ti­nuously with his Labrador dog. The agi­lity is also nou­ris­hed by his second great pas­sion, jazz — actively making music and as a way of life. As a meta­phor, the agi­lity lived in impro­vi­sa­tion is also hel­pful in consultancy.

Udo Braeu

„Always in search of the new.“