Lisa Tomaschek-Habrina

Lecturer at the ESBA (European Systemic Business Academy) 
Senior Coach (accor­ding to ISO 17024)
Head of the ESBA Burnout & Stress Prevention Department


Focus: Performance, Resilience und Burnout prevention


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Self-employed coach, trai­ner and psy­cho­the­ra­pist since 2001, spe­cia­li­sing in per­for­mance, men­tal strength, burn­out pre­ven­tion and stress management
  • Accompanying peo­ple and com­pa­nies in change processes
  • Accompanying peo­ple in crises
  • Coaching and men­to­ring for management
  • Career Coaching

Professional back­ground

  • Many years of expe­ri­ence as a per­for­mance & men­tal coach in busi­ness, sport and cul­ture; busi­ness and health coa­ching (ISO cer­ti­fi­ca­tion accor­ding to 17024)
  • Training direc­tor and tea­ching coach for sys­te­mic coa­ching at the ESBA for 20 years
  • Founding mem­ber and 16 years direc­tor of the ibos insti­tute for burn­out and stress manage­ment, as well as 7 years direc­tor of the pri­vate hos­pi­tal for men­tal health — origo Gesundheitszentren GmbH until 2017
  • Psychotherapist for 20 years (psy­cho­drama, brain­spot­ting, trauma focus), mem­ber of the ÖAGG and ECP
  • Worked as an actress, direc­tor and dra­ma­turg as well as a jour­na­list in the 90s. (Acting trai­ning at home and abroad)
  • Doctorate in theatre, film and media studies
  • 20+ years working with natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies with focus on: health lea­der­ship, burn­out pre­ven­tion, resi­li­ence trai­ning and men­tal strength
  • Publications and media appearan­ces on the above-men­tio­ned topics

Focal points around men­tal health and performance

Mental Coaching
Burnout Prevention
Mentoring for Management
Systemic Structure Constellation & Storywork
Performance Improvement


Lisa has lived and worked with her hus­band Michael in sou­thern Lower Austria for 30 years with a dog and chi­cken. They have two grown-up child­ren, Osa living in Munich, Janis as a pro­fes­sio­nal bas­ket­ball player still at home (but pro­ba­bly not for much lon­ger ;-). In her spare time, Lisa tries her hand at making home­made her­bal teas, juices, oils and creams — which she also likes to give away. Now and then she also wri­tes books and artic­les in her field.

Lisa Tomaschek-Habrina

„Navigate ins­tead of drift — There is no ele­va­tor to hap­pi­ness, you have to take the stairs!“