Juergen Margetich

Cooperation part­ner of ESBC
Leadership Advisor
Executive Coach
Management Consultant

Focus: Change and Transformation


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Transition manage­ment in a cor­po­rate environment
  • Development and res­truc­tu­ring of exe­cu­tive lea­der­ship teams
  • Agile and par­ti­ci­pa­tive stra­tegy development
  • Organisational design consulting
  • Leadership & change com­mu­ni­ca­tion for­mats (e.g. mgmt. con­fe­ren­ces, town halls, media)
  • Executive lea­der­ship
  • Entrepreneurship (foun­ding or co-foun­ding con­sul­tancies, start-ups, enga­ge­ment in the hos­pi­ta­lity industry)

Professional back­ground

  • More than 25-year manage­ment and lea­der­ship career
  • Foundation of start-ups
  • Start-up in the film industry
  • Advisor to num­e­rous DAX30 com­pa­nies in the auto­mo­tive, medi­cal, mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons sectors
  • Co-aut­hor of the book “The Scrum Principle: Build and Design Agile Organizations”

Focal points around Transformation and Change

Corporate stra­tegy & organisation
agile trans­for­ma­tion
Leading Leaders Mentoring


Jürgen is a neo Weinvierteler and family man, mar­ried and father of 4 child­ren. He likes to see hims­elf in the role of a sailor, city wal­ker, patron of baro­que music and fine arts.
Juergen Margetich

„Setting dri­ves beha­vior – a well-cho­sen set­ting is the first step of suc­cessful leadership.“