Hans Tomaschek

Senior Coach (ISO 17024, DBVC, ACC)
Management trai­ner
Organisational deve­lo­p­ment & Corporate consultancy

Schwerpunkt: Paths to the original


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Founder of the origo Group, share­hol­der of E‑S-B‑A
  • Many years of expe­ri­ence as per­son­nel mana­ger and legal direc­tor of the legal depart­ment of a German retail chain and as head of an insti­tute in the health sector
  • Many years of expe­ri­ence as a psychotherapist

Professional back­ground

  • Law stu­dies
  • Training in sys­te­mic family the­rapy, group psychoanalysis
  • Founding mem­ber of the ACC — Austrian Coaching Council

Focal points around per­son­nel deve­lo­p­ment and self-awareness

Systemic Consulting
Kieler Coaching Model
Training and fur­ther edu­ca­tion for coaches


Hans is mar­ried to Elfie and father of Michael and Nino, as well as grand­fa­ther of 5. Together with his wife Elfie, he has rea­li­sed a lifel­ong dream and built a resi­dence and semi­nar centre on the island of Lemnos. The Lemnos peo­ple see him as one of them and he enjoys being tog­e­ther with good food and wine.

Hans Tomaschek

„We get to work with the most beau­tiful pro­duct range in the world — the human being!“