Franz Ziegler

Mental Coaching
Accompaniment in top-class sport

Nature and forest expe­ri­en­ces for management

Focus: Mental trai­ning


German, English

Core com­pe­ten­ces & background


  • Meeting, arguing, dis­cus­sing, see­king prblm,
  • find solu­ti­ons, talk to each other where the trees live and life is at home,
  • in the Waldviertel, IN THE FOREST, in the Bio Business Lounge!

Professional back­ground

  • Top ath­lete and Guinness Book of Records hol­der in rol­ler skating
  • 35 years of expe­ri­ence in team buil­ding com­bi­ned with nature expe­ri­en­ces or sport­ing challenges
  • Accompaniment of orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and top management
  • 10 years of expe­ri­ence as a men­tal trai­ner and coach of teams in top-class sports
  • Training as a coach and men­tal trainer
  • 10 years as a cha­p­lain in prisons

Focal points around self-experience

Mental trai­ning
Experience trai­ning
Philosophical talks for the Top-Management


Franz is the father of 2 child­ren and has lived in the forest (quar­ter) for many years. He is pas­sio­nate about nature and likes to pass on this enthu­si­asm in the form of self-awa­re­ness expe­ri­en­ces. His pro­fes­sion is also his per­so­nal pas­sion, so to speak — in his semi­nar centre in the forest he also likes to invite peo­ple pri­va­tely to a phi­los­phi­cal con­ver­sa­tion around a campfire.

Franz Ziegler
